Roles & Responsibilities of the Department

a. Exercise general supervision over all reconnaissance, exploration, mining, quarrying operations and explosive transactions to ensure compliance with the Act and ancillary Regulations;

b. Supervision and enforcement of compliance by mineral title holders with mine health and safety Regulations prescribed under the Act and any other law in force;

c. Prepare and render records, reports and returns as required by the Minister or as prescribed by Regulations;

d. Carryout investigations and inspections necessary to ensure that all conditions relating to mineral titles and requirements of the Act are complied with;

e. Take custody of mineral resources required by any Court to be forfeited to Government;

f. With the prior approval of the Minister, dispose of any mineral resources forfeited to the Government;

g. Review and recommend to the Honourable Minister, Programmes for controlling mining operations.

h. Regulate and control the use of commercial explosives.

i. Discharge such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Honourable Minister.

Projects & Programs of the Department

i. The Ministry through the department is in the process of establishing a demonstration mine and testing laboratory for the monitoring of quality/effectiveness of both locally manufactured and imported explosive products.

ii. The automation of the Department’s processes and procedures.

iii. Developing closer collaboration with Nigerian Customs Service(NCS) for effective management of mineral export.

iv. Strengthening existing collaboration with Office of the National Security Adviser(ONSA) towards enhancing National Security.

v. Establishment of central explosives magazines in the six (6) Geopolitical Zones of the Country.

vi. Transmission of the Draft Explosives Act from Ministry of Justice to the National Assembly for legislative approval.

vii. Completion of work on the Mining Income Tax Act domicile in the Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning.


Head of Department

Imam Ganiyu


i. Supervise field activities of Zonal/State Offices;

ii. Provide mineral and mining operation information in response to inquiries by investors and mining stakeholders;

iii. Process applications for Permit to export mineral samples for analysis, Permit to export minerals for commercial purpose, and License to   Purchase and Possess minerals.

iv. Process request by operators to benefit from mining incentives, dispose mines tailings and dumps.

v. Evaluate reports of field activities from Zonal/State Offices and advise the  Director appropriately.

vi. Carry out field monitoring inspections of mines and quarries to ensure compliance by mining operators with the provisions of the mining Act, and mines health and safety Regulations.

vii. Develop and recommend to the Director, training programmes for technical   and professional capacity building of officers of the Department.

i. Enforce compliance by mining operators and explosives dealers with the provisions of the Explosives Act and Regulations;

ii. Process applications for authorization to deal on commercial explosives;

iii. Process applications for License to manufacture explosives.

iv. Process request for purchase and sales of commercial explosives.

v. Carry out routine inspection of explosives storage facilities to ensure conformity with the security and safety provisions of the Explosives Act and Regulations.

vi. Liaise with the Department of State Services (DSS) for security vetting of explosives dealers and users.

vii. Liaise with the Office of the National Security Adviser (NSA) for the issuance of End-User Certificate for importation of commercial Explosives;

viii. Liaise with Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA) for Nuclear Material Safety Assessment and Radioactive minerals processing.

ix. Monitor compliance by mining operators and explosives dealers with general precautionary measures for ensuring the security and safe handling and use of explosives.

x. Receive and process applications for inter-state movement of explosives;

xi. Receive and process applications for authorization to export explosives.

xii. Monitor compliance with precautions to be observed in carrying out blasting operation;

xiii. Receive and process requests for authorization on shaped charges and seismic explosives utilization;

xiv. Process applications for permits to erect explosives magazines and other storage facilities.

xv. Evaluate monthly returns on explosives.

xvi. Maintain data bank on explosives return and other relevant Explosives data and information.

i. Maintain data bank on revenue generation, mineral returns, explosives return and   other relevant mine statistical data and information.

ii. Prepare and render mineral returns as required by the Minister and as prescribed by the Regulations.

iii. Carryout mines field revenue drive.

iv. The Unit is also in constant liaison with the following Federal Government Agencies in information dissemination such as National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), National Planning Commission (NPC), Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI), Raw Material Research and Development Council (RMRDC) and Revenue Mobilization Allocation & Fiscal Commission (RMAFC).

i. Evaluate and recommend for approval Minimum Work Programmes for carrying out exploration and mining/quarrying operations submitted by mineral title holders.

ii. Evaluate mining plans and technical reports on mining operations submitted by operators.

iii. Provide progress report to Mining Cadastre Office on compliance by mineral titles holders with their minimum work obligation commitments necessary for renewal of mineral titles.

iv. Ensure Compliance by mineral title holders with their approved minimum work obligation commitments; and

v. Liaise with Mining Cadastre Office (MCO), Mines Environmental Compliance (MEC) and Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) departments for transmission of necessary reports and information between the Departments.