The Press and Public Relations (P & PR) Department operates within the statutory framework of the guidelines provided by the supervisory Federal Ministry of Information and Culture (FMIC), whose mandate is to manage the image and reputation of the people and government of Nigeria, publicize the activities of government, sensitize the public on government’s programmes and projects for national unity, progress and development.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Department

a. In line with its mandate, P & PR department provides publicity for the Ministry of Mines and Steel Development’s (MMSD’s) activities and sends reports in writing and visuals to the MMSD and FMIC for publication on their respective Portals as well as ensure proper archiving of such materials in both Ministries for ease of reference.
b. Similarly, it avails policymakers, Stakeholders as well as critical investors with photographs, video coverage of events, documentaries, adverts, etc to inform and boost investment for the growth of the Sector.
c. The department strengthens public and private collaborations for growth of the Nigerian Mining Industry by formulating and articulating a dynamic strategic need of MMSD for effective communication.
d. It liaises with other Departments to Foster a common understanding between the Ministry and the public by facilitating efficient public enlightenment and information dissemination of the Ministry’s programmes and activities.
e. The P & PR department also writes news commentaries, features and article of events in the Mining Sector; produces and circulate publicity materials to Stakeholders and the general public; partner with the media to project policies, programmes and activities of the Ministry for strong synergy and sustainable growth in the industry.

Programmes/Activities of P& PR Department

a. To maintain its pride of place as the image maker of the Ministry it handles the annual production of (In – House) Journals to create awareness and enlightenment.
b. Ensures routine coverage of events/ programmes (both In-house and External media), and writing /disseminating of Press Releases to media houses and other information dissemination platforms within and without for information purposes/documentation in MMSD & FMIC.
c. Quarterly Production and Airing of documentaries covering various parts of the country. To educate, sensitize and enlighten Stakeholders, investors and the general public on implementation of policies and programmes in the Sector.
d. Quarterly facilitation of Ministers appearances on TV/Radio talk shows such as NTA News @ 9; Good Morning Nigeria on NTA; Radio Link; Issues of the Moment on FRCN, NAN Forum, etc. in Abuja and Lagos. To facilitate public enlightenment/sensitization on Sector’s activities/programmes;
e. Quarterly Exclusive Interviews of Honorable Ministers by major media organizations in Abuja and Lagos to clarify issues on policies and programmes of the Ministry.
f. Quarterly Interactive Sessions for the Honorable Ministers with Ministry’s Correspondents in Abuja to foster mutual understanding.
g. Quarterly Interactive Sessions for the Honorable Ministers with Title Editors and Bureau Chiefs in Abuja and Lagos to brief media on Ministry’s projections and progress in the Sector; Intimate Stakeholders and the general public of Sector’s achievements in line with its mandate.
h. Coordination of Annual Ministry Scorecard in Abuja to promote in – depth understanding of policies and programmes of the Ministry.

 i. Placement of Advertisements on selected daily newspapers in Abuja as the need arises to create public awareness on specific programme(s) and event(s) of the Ministry.
j. Quarterly Features produced in Abuja to ensure In – depth report in print media on the achievements and policy direction of the Ministry.
k. Quarterly publication of news Commercials/Editorials in Abuja and Lagos to influence publication of Experts/Stakeholders/media house’s opinion on policy direction of the Sector.
l. Annual Press Cuttings & Bindings in Abuja to monitor and ensure annual review of Ministry’s media appearances and reportage.

Head of Department

Units/ Divisions